Swerve=When you turn.
Washhouse=Is were you wash your clothes.
ove or cause to move unsteadily from side to side.
Yelp=Give a little cry.
Constricted=Make narrower by squeezing.
blast=Produce or cause to produce loud continuous music or other noise. strong gust of wind or air.
Jolt=Push or shake (someone or something) abruptly and roughly.
Spurt=Gush out in a sudden and forceful stream.
hefty=Large and heavy./done with vigor or force.
passage=Like a hallway.
Mildly=In a mild or gentle manner.
Show off=Is when you dont act like your self.
1.Why did Michael's dad say "Oh he'll do it again? answer..He was stupid and his further new he new he would do it again.
2.Why would Michael want to show off his red mark at school? answer..because he looked stronger.
3.What danger would you hit if biking around you house? answer..Stump's.
4. I learnt how to ride a bike when I was four to five years old.My mum got me a bike and she took off one training wheel at a time. and I was always falloff ling of the side with the training wheel.